Marriage of Stanislaw Andrzejczak and Michalina Pluskota Part 3
Recently, I have started creating posts regarding my attempts at transliterating the Russian marriage record of my great-grandparents Stanisław Andzrejczak and Michalina Pluskota. I have divided the marriage record into sections. The first two sections of my transliteration can be found here:
Marriage of Stanislaw Andrzejczak and Michalina Pluskota Part 1
Marriage of Stanislaw Andrzejczak and Michalina Pluskota Part 2
Now, I would like to present the third sentence or section of the marriage record. I will be using Jonathan D. Shea and William F. Hoffman’s guide, In Their Words Volume II: Russian, as my reference source for transliterating the Russian marriage document. The third section below lists the date of the marriage and information about the groom.
Source: Włocławek-Torun Archives (ul. Ks. Skorupki 4; 87-800 Włocławek), “368/0 Akta Stanu Cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej Siniarzewo”, za lata 1759-1808 tylko spis metryk małżeństw, Siniarzewo Parish 1905 – Gosławice No. 4. Marriage Record of Stanisław Andrzejczak and Michalina Pluskota Sentence 3.; Archiwum Państwowe w Toruniu Oddział we Włocławku, 87-800 Włocławek, ul. Skorupki 4.
Third Sentence/Section:
on this day a religious marital union was contracted between: Stanisław Jędzejczak, a 23 year old bachelor who was born and resides in the village of Gosławice.
Here are the first three sections together, so far:
Gosławice No. 4
This happened in Siniarzewo on September 4, 1905 at 2 o’clock p.m. We declare in the presence of Jakob Poieszowski, age 45, and Szczepan Dębowski, age 43, peasants residing in the village of Gosławice, district of Sędzin that on this day a religious marital union was contracted between: Stanisław Jędzejczak, a 23 year old bachelor who was born and resides in the village of Gosławice.
Thanks to Steve Danko, from Steve’s Genealogy Blog, I was able to complete the missing word from my previous post “Marriage of Stanislaw Andrzejczak and Michalina Pluskota Part 2“. The word that I was missing was a part of a couple word description that meant “peasants residing in”. Thanks again Steve!
In Marriage of Stanislaw Andrzejczak and Michalina Pluskota Part 4, I will transliterate the fourth section of the marriage record. If anyone has any suggestions or corrections for any of these posts, please let me know.
Best Regards,