Marriage of Franciszek Kacprzak and Nepomucyna Rachwalska (1843)
This is my translation of the Polish language marriage record of Franciszek Kacprzak and Nepomuczyna Rachwalska, from the Budzisław Kościelny parish. Any errors are completely my own.
Zberzyn, No. 4, 1843
This happened in the village of Budzisław Kościelny, on the 4th/16th of May, 1843, at 12 p.m. We declare, that in the presence of: Franciszek Czerwiński, aged 30, a tenant farmer residing in the village of Nieborzyn; and Jan Rachwalski, aged 32, a blacksmith residing in the village of Nieborzyn, the brother of the bride, that on this day a religious marital union was contracted between:
Franciszek Kacprzak, aged 25, single, Catholic, a farmhand residing in the village of Zberzyn – house #8, the son of the deceased couple Walenty and Franciszka Kacprzak – who were farm owners residing in the village of Falibogowo (a.k.a Chwalibogowo), born in the village of Falibogowo (a.k.a Chwalibogowo) – Grand Duchy of Poznań,
and Nepomuczyna Rachwalska, aged 27, single, a worker residing in the village of Zberzyn, the daughter of the deceased couple Maciej and Ełżbieta Rachwalski, born in the village of Wierzbinek.
The wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns, at the Budzisław Kościelny Parish Church, on the 18th/30th of April, the 25th of April/7th of May, and the 2nd/14th of May, 1843, at 12 p.m. No impediments arose and no prenuptial agreement was made. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses and signed by Us, because those appearing and the witnesses mentioned in this document cannot write.
Rev. Staniszyński, Pastor of the Budzisław Kościelny Parish and Civil Registrar
Source: Szukakj w Archiwach, Archiwum Państwowe w Poznaniu. Oddział w Koninie, Księga urodzonych, ślubów, śmierci, 54/735/0 Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej Budzisław Kościelny (pow. koniński), Image 68, Zberzyn No. 4, 1843. Retrieved from