Marriage of Bartłomiej Imański and Marianna Papierska nee Zalewska (1866)
This is my translation of the Polish language Marriage record of Bartłomiej Imański and Marianna Papierska nee Zalewska, from the Sławsk Wielki Parish. Any errors are completely my own.
Sławsk Wielki, 1866, No. 3
On September 10th, 1866, I, Rev., Pastor of the Sławsk Wielki Parish, after the banns have been read on three separate Sundays, and no canonical impediment having arisen, with blessing, officiated at the wedding of Bartłomiej Imański, aged 65, a widower, from the village of Markowice, the son of Maciej and Agnieszka Imański, and Marianna Papierska, aged 43, a widow, from the village of Żerniki, the daughter of Stefan and Magdalena Zalewski.
Marriage of Bartłomiej Imański and Marianna Papierska nee Zalewska (1866)
Source: Genealogia w Archiwach, Archiwum Państwowe w Toruniu Oddział we Włocławku, Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej Sławsk Wielki, 7/103/0/2 (5). Retrieved from
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