Wolica – Gmina Brzesc Kujawski – Slownik Geograficzny Translations
Below is my translation of the Slownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego entry for Wolica. Any errors are completely my own.
Location information:
Current administrative location: Wolica, Gmina Brześć Kujawski, Powiat Włocławek, Województwo Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland.
Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego): Wolica, Powiat Włocławek, Gubernia Warszawske, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
7) Nowy Wolica, a colony in powiat Włocławek. It belongs to the gmina of Pikutkowo and the parish of Wieniec. There are 32 inhabitants and a total land area of 102 morgs, which are for the peasants. The colony belongs to the Gustorzyn estate.
8) Stary Wolica, a colony and folwark in powiat Włocławek. It belongs to the gmina of Pikutkowo and the parish of Wieniec. It is located 10 verst from Włocławek. There are 121 inhabitans and a total land area of 215 morgs. In 1827, there were 7 homes with 49 inhabitants.
In 1876, the Wolica folwark totaled 328 morgs of land (275 morgs of arable farm land, 38 morgs of meadows, and 15 morgs of unused land). There were 2 brick buildings and 1 wooden building. The folwark administered a 7 field crop rotation. The village of Stary Wolica had 18 settlements on 202 morgs of land. The village of Nowy Wolica had 2 settlements on 100 morgs of land.
In 1557, according to the regency near powiat Brześć, Wolica had a land area of 3 lan with 4 renters and 2 tenant farmers. (Pawiń., Wielkop., II, 4).
Slownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego – Warsaw [1895, vol.13, p.829]. Retrieved from http://dir.icm.edu.pl/pl/Slownik_geograficzny/Tom_XIII/829
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