Niegibalice – Gmina Byton – Slownik Geograficzny Translations
Below is my translation of the Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego entry for Niegibalice. Any errors in the translations are completely my own.
Location information:
Current administrative location: Niegibalice, Gmina Bytoń, Powiat Radziejów, Województwo Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland.
Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego): Niegibalice, Powiat Nieszawa, Gubernia Warszawske, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
Listed in documents as Noghibalice. A village and estate located in powiat Nieszawa, gmina Bytoń, and belongs to the Bytoń Parish. It is approximately 30 verst from Nieszawa. It has a windmill and brickyard. There are 131 inhabitants. In 1827, there were 14 homes and 129 inhabitants. In an act from 1464, a witness was described as Falisław from Noghibalicze. According to tax registers from 1557 and 1566, the village of Niegibalicze was owned by B. Niegibalski, belonged to the Bythom Parish, and had 2 łan and 2 crofts (Pawiński, Wielkop., II, 32).
The Niegibalice estate is comprised of the following folwarks: Niegibalice and Nasiłowo and the village of Niegibalice for a total area of 1327 morgs. Folwark Niegibalice has 654 morgs of cultivated farm and garden land, 63 morgs of meadow, 18 morgs of pasture, 4 morgs of forest, and 24 morgs of barren unused land, which totals 763 morgs. There are 14 brick buildings and 4 wooden buildings. Folwark Nasiłowo has 445 morgs of cultivated farm and garden land, 49 morgs of meadow, 51 morgs of pasture, and 20 morgs of barren unused land, which totals 564 morgs. There are 8 brick buildings and 1 wooden building. The village of Niegibalice has 18 settlements on 27 morgs cultivated farm land. Br. Ch.
Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego – Warsaw [1895, vol. 7, p. 73]. Retrieved from
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