Jazgarka – Gmina Kadzidlo – Slownik Geograficzny Translations
Below is my translation of the Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego entry for Jazgarka. Any errors in the translations are completely my own.
Location information:
Current administrative location: Jazgarka, Gmina Kadzidło, Powiat Ostrołęka, Województwo Mazowieckie, Poland.
Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego): Jazgarka, Powiat Ostrołęka, Gubernia Łomża, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
A Kurpie village located in gmina Nasiadki, powiat Ostrołęka. Jazgarka belongs to the Kadzidło Parish. The village is located by the Rozoga River and is a distance of 8 verst from the gmina office located in the village of Tatary.
In 1752, King August III released all of the peasants from serfdom within the villages of Ostrołęka county. The amount of the annual rent was set at 532 Polish złoty. Inspections in 1765 indicate that there were 14 landlords that paid 505 Polish złoty 14 groszy rent and 4 Polish złoty for taxes on the sale of alcoholic beverages, this excluded the major.
In 1799, the annual rental fees were raised to 540 Polish złoty. The taxes on the sale of alcoholic beverages were abolished, because the county administration created an inn within the village. Moreover, the peasants did not have the privileged rights to sell alcoholic beverages or at least those not able to present themselves.
In 1820, there were 18 peasants with 2 fields that produce 4 bushels of winter corn and as many bushels of vegetables. These peasants paid 27 Polish złoty for rent and 1 Polish złoty 5 groszy towards a tithe for renovations of the Pułtusk seminary that was established in 1799. There are 4 peasants with a field that produce 2 bushels of winter corn and as many bushels of vegetables. These peasants pay 13 1/2 Polish złoty for rent and 18 groszy towards the seminary tithe. This money was sought for the Ostrołęka county economy. There were 8 cottages that needed to make up for 4 days of serfdom. Also, Jazgarka has a tavern. In 1820, the tavern earned an income of 500 Polish złoty.
In 1827, there were 22 homes with 218 inhabitants. Presently (according to provincial government lists from 1878), there are 35 homes with 143 male and 169 female inhabitants. Jazgarka has 1130 morgs of land composed of light and blowing sand (of that 475 morgs are comprised of open land). The forest area of Jazgarka is comprised of 1169 morgs of pine forest. There is a swamp here and there, but there is also a dry and robust location containing the village council. Lud Krz.
Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Poliskiego – Warsaw [1895, vol.3, p.537]. Retrieved from http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/polszczyzna/SGKP/SG03.djvu?djvuopts&page=537
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