Durlasy – Gmina Lelis – Slownik Geograficzny Translations
Below is my translation of the Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego entry for Durlasy. Any errors in the translations are completely my own.
Location information:
Current administrative location: Durlasy, Gmina Lelis, Powiat Ostrołęka, Województwo Mazowieckie, Poland.
Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego): Durlasy, Powiat Ostrołęka, Gubernia Łomża, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
A Kurpie village located in gmina Nasiadki, powiat Ostrołęka. Nasiadki belongs to the Ostrołęka Parish. Durlasy is a distance of 8 verst from the gmina office located in the village of Tatary. In 1752, King August III granted the village peasants the privilege of freedom from serfdom. The amount of rent was then determined to be 114 Polish zloty. In 1765, the starostwa (the counties governor) of Ostrołeka county performed inspections that found 4 landlords were paying, in addition to paying rent above, 6 Polish zloty in taxes for the inns within the agricultural portion of the village. From 1799, the village paid 12 Polish zloty to maintain the Pułtusk seminary. From this year, the village began to pay taxes for Ostrołęka county’s economy.
In 1820, there were 17 landlords in Durlasy’s farm and forest areas. Presently, there are 22 homes with 104 men and 107 women inhabitants. Durlasy has 1038 morgs of land, of that 320 morgs are arable farm land. In 1827, there were 16 homes with 125 inhabitants. L. Krz.
Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Poliskiego – Warsaw [1895, vol.2, p.229]. Retrieved from http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/polszczyzna/SGKP/SG02.djvu?djvuopts&page=229
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