Week 2 – Polish I Class
Last night’s class was a bit more difficult than last week. This was due to my pronunciation problems of some of the harder words (which are most of them). One word that I had my tongue-twisted was “studiuje”, the “uje” portion of this word had me fumbling. I’ve been practicing the new word list that Professor Mikos provided and I think I will get better with the pronunciations as the week goes on.
We finished learning the grammar and pronunciation rules of the letters ć,ś,ź, ń, and dź. We also covered three other pronunciation rules, which were voiced consonants, assimilation, and the denasalization of ę at the end of words. I can also say and understand “To jest (noun)” , example: “To jest lampa” = This is a lamp.
Next weeks class will focus on grammar rules and other topics…
Best Regards,