Possibe Changes Coming to this Blog
I’d like to let readers know that there could be changes coming to this blog. Recently, I had to move the RSS feed (including: email and reader subscriptions) of this blog to Feedblitz. Unfortunately, I may need to make more dramatic changes. Based on the monthly cost of Feedblitz and the uncertainty of Google free applications (i.e. Reader and Feedburner, which no longer exist), I am doing research on possibly moving my Blog and blog content to my own domain and utilize the WordPress blog application.
If I do make the switch, I’d like to keep the impact of my blog’s readers to a minimum. Here are some of the potential changes:
1) the current web address would change from http://polishamericangenealogy.blogspot.com to a new domain that I would own.
2) my Blogger blog would be converted to a WordPress blog – hopefully my current template (look and navigation) would be the same or similar. Older posts would need to be redirected to the new website.
3) a new RSS (email and RSS reader) subscription manager would be needed – my latest switch to Feedblitz would be changed again…sorry in advance, but you may have to opt in/opt out of a new email subscription (again). I’m possibly going to switch to Mailchimp RSS service…
I am currently researching the available options and should have a decision shortly. I will try to minimize the affects on current readers and/or subscribers. Hopefully, owning my own domain and utilizing the WordPress blog functionality will increase usability and enhance the blog’s look and feel with new features. Plus give me total control and ownership of my blog content.
If anyone has any suggestions or feedback, please post a comment or send an email.
More to come soon….
Best Regards,