Indexing Project – Geneteka Part Two
In my last Geneteka post, I tried to familiarize readers with the basic navigation of the Geneteka website. All of the menu options, or icons, on the toolbar were explored and defined. Now, I would like to define the terms and tips that are located on the “Jak indeksować” or “To index” web page.
The two pictures below, when combined, make up the entire Jak indeksować web page.
Polskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne. (2009). Jak indeksować. Retrieved June 27, 2009, from
The Jak indeksować web page is used to guide individuals who are submitting their indexing work to the Geneteka project. Understanding this section will help to understand any queries that you will make while searching through the Geneteka indexes.
The upper portion of the Jak indeksować web page lists indexing examples of baptismal/death and marriage. I will provide more information about the upper portion in my next Geneteka post, which will detail searching and then interpreting query results.
I would like to define some of the key terms located on the lower portion of the Jak indeksować web page. Below is the “Uwagi” or notes section from the Jak indeksować web page. I have the original text listed in Polish and followed by a summary in English.
Uwagi: (Notes)
# Kolejność kolumn może być inna (taka aby było wygodnie wpisującemu). This is a note for indexing that states that the column headers can be moved around so that they are comfortable for the indexer.
# L.p. – oryginalna kolejność wpisów w indeksie (opcjonalnie). L.p. is the term that is used to represent the original order of entries in the index. L.p. is an optional indexing entry.
# Nr – numer metryki w księdze (indeksie). Nr is the term that is used to represent the original number of metrics in the church book index. Nr is the record number in the church book.
# Rok – Może być sam rok lub pełniejsza data. Rok is the year that the event occurred.
# Parafia – Jeśli wszystkie wpisy dotyczą tej samej parafii można wpisać tylko raz np. w tytule pliku. Parafia represents the name of the Parish that the church records were taken.
# Nazwisko żony – najlepiej w formie męskiej tj. takie jakie dziś wpisane miałby w dowodzie ojciec kobiety. While indexing, list the females last name in the masculine form. (example: Ewa Kowalski, not Ewa Kowalska). This tip is for indexing, but may prove useful to someone who is searching through the index.
# Uwagi – Jeżeli są dodatkowe dane można je również umieścić w dodatkowych kolumnach. Wówczas znajdą się one w polu uwagi. Uwagi represents the “Additional Notes” section of the index.
# Do Geneteki wprowadzamy TYLKO kompletne roczniki. This is a note to indexer that states, only give Geneteka completed church books.
…….To be continued in my upcoming post called Indexing Project – Geneteka Part Three.
Best Regards,