Swiete – Gmina Koneck – Slownik Geograficzny Translations
Below is my translation of the Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego entry for Swięte. Any errors in the translations are completely my own.
Location information:
Current administrative location: Święte, Gmina Koneck, Powiat Aleksandrów, Województwo Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland.
Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego): Święte, Powiat Nieszawa, Gubernia Warszawske, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
2) A village and manor farm (folwark) located in powiat Nieszawa and gmina Straszewo. Swięte belongs to the Koneck Parish. It is a distance of 8 verst from Nieszawa. Swięte has 367 inhabitants. In 1827, there were 13 houses with 179 inhabitants. Also, there is a lake within the village.
In 1885, the Swięte estate was comprised of the folwarks of Swięte and Spoczynek. The Swięte estate’s land area was 1348 morgs:
793 morgs of arable farm and garden land, 126 morgs of meadows, 110 morgs of pasture, 234 morgs of forest, 36 morgs of water, and 49 morgs of barren land. There were 14 brick buildings, 7 wooden buildings, crop rotation was distributed among seven and twelve half fields, carpentry shop, windmill, and a peat deck.
The village of Swięte has 43 settlements on 407 morgs of cultivated land. The village of Lewino has 9 settlements on 48 morgs of cultivated land. The village of Spoczynek has 6 settlements on 6 morgs of cultivated land. The village of Umierzyno Żołnowo has 19 settlements on 624 morgs of cultivated land.
In 1557, according to the regency in nearby powiat Breść, the ownership of land was portioned: the Grabski family had 10 łan, 6 crofts, 1 tenant farmer, and 6 craftsmen; Mikołaj Święcki had 3 łan and 1 croft; Jakub Nieszczewski had 1 łan; and Kacper Święcki had 2 łan and 2 crofts (Pawiński, Wielkp.,II,6).
Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Poliskiego – Warsaw [1895, vol.11, p.693. Retrieved from http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/polszczyzna/SGKP/SG11.djvu?djvuopts&page=693
Best Regards,