Marriage of Karol Wozniak and Marianna Kacprzak (1828)
This is my translation of the Polish language marriage record of Karol Woźniak and Marianna Kacprzak, from the Kleczew parish. Any errors are completely my own.
Jabłonka, No. 10, 1828
This happened in the town of Kleczew, on the 28th of September, 1828, at 10 a.m. We declare, that in the presence of: Mateusz Kołodziejczak, aged 50, a farm owner residing in the village of Jabłonka, and Wincenty Guzik, aged 43, a farmer residing in the village of Przytuki, both are not relatives and are Catholic, that on this day a religious marital union was contracted between:
Karol Woźniak, aged 41, Catholic, a widower, he is childless, a shepherd residing in the village of Przytuki in house #1, born in the village of Przyrowna – Kawnice Parish, the son of the deceased couple Andrzej and Marianna Woźniak, who were farm owners in the village of Głodowo – Kawnice Parish,
and Marianna Kasprzak, aged 21, single, Catholic, residing in Jabłonka with her parents in house #10, born in the village of Mystki – Targowa Górka Parish – Grand Duchy of Poznań, the daughter of Walenty and Franciszka Kasprzak, who are farm owners residing in Jabłonka.
The wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns, at the Kleczew and Dobrosołowo Parish Churches, on the 7th, 14th, and 21st of September, 1828. Permissions were given by the newlyweds families. No impediments arose and no prenuptial agreement was made. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses and signed by Us, because those appearing and the witnesses mentioned in this document cannot write.
Rev. Franciszek Granicki, Pastor of the Kleczew Parish and Civil Registrar
Source: Kleczew Parish Catholic Church. Akta małżeństw 1818-1839. Family History Library [VAULT INTL] microfilm 1,981,195. Family History Center, Hales Corners, Wisconsin.