Nasiadki – Gmina Lelis – Slownik Geograficzny Translations
Below is my translation of the Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego entry for Nasiadki. Any errors in the translations are completely my own.
Location information:
Current administrative location: Nasiadki, Gmina Lelis, Powiat Ostrołęka, Województwo Mazowieckie, Poland.
Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego): Nasiadki, Powiat Ostrołęka, Gubernia Łomża, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
Also known as Nasiadka. A village located in gmina Nasiadki, powiat Ostrołęka. Nasiadki belongs to the Kadzidło Parish. There was initially a general school located in the village. Nasiadki has a land area of 1332 morgs. The population is difficult to canvas. In 1827, there were 29 homes with 140 inhabitants.
Nasiadki gmina: The gmina office is located in the village of Tatary. The gmina has 5615 inhabitants and 18,737 morgs of land. The district court, precinct, post office, and others are located in the city of Ostrołęka. The gmina is comprised of 23 farming villages, which are: Brzozówka, Dąbrówka, Długi-Kąt, Durlasy, Gibałka, Golanka, Grale, Jazgarka, Klimki, Krobia, Kurpiewskie, Leli, Łęk Starościński, Nasiadki, Płoszczyce, Przewrotna-Góra, Rossosz, Siedliska, Sól, Szafarczyska, Szkwa, Tatary, and Todzia.
Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Poliskiego – Warsaw [1895, vol.7, p.923]. Retrieved from
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