Golanka – Gmina Kadzidlo – Slownik Geograficzny Translations
Below is my translation of the Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego entry for Golanka. Any errors in the translations are completely my own.
Location information:
Current administrative location: Golanka, Gmina Kadzidło, Powiat Ostrołęka, Województwo Mazowieckie, Poland.
Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego): Golanka, Powiat Ostrołęka, Gubernia Łomża, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
A Kurpie village located in gmina Nasiadki, powiat Ostrołęka. Golanka belongs to the Kadzidło Parish. Golanka lies within the Grale forest and is just 5 verst from the gmina office located in Tatary.
In 1752, King August III, granted the privilege of freedom to the peasants of the general forest estate area of Myszniec. An annual rent was established at 581 Polish złoty and 12 groszy. Records indicate that the county was no longer in the possession of the Małachowski family. In 1765, there were 17 landlords paying, in addition to the rent above, an annual tax on alcoholic beverages sold in the farming settlements.
In 1799, the establishment of this tax was bearable because of the economy of the village inn. In 1799, the land rent was raised to 615 Polish złoty and 12 groszy.
In 1820, there were 34 farming settlements and 7 cottages. The landlords paid rent of 615 Polish złoty and 12 groszy, established in 1799, and 29 Polish złoty and 14 groszy for a tithe for the repairs of the decaying Pułtusk seminary. There was a tavern that was privately owned by the Kryżanowski family, with a brewery, that paid 500 Polish złoty toward the Dylewo economy. Instead of serfdom, the laborers were paid 37 Polish złoty. The county owned 68 fields of land, which were sown for 68 bushels of vegetables and corn for winter use.
In 1827, there were 46 homes with 218 inhabitants. Presently (according to provincial government lists from 1878), there are 50 homes with 218 inhabitants (199 Catholics). Also, Golanka has 1690 morgs of land, of that 200 morgs are arable farm land. Golanka has an elementary school. Lud Krz.
Słownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Poliskiego – Warsaw [1895, vol.2, p.651]. Retrieved from http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/polszczyzna/SGKP/SG02.djvu?djvuopts&page=651
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