Piotrkow Kujawski Parish Priests
Below is a list of the parish priests for the Piotrków Kujawski Parish. The Piotrków Kujawski Parish belongs to the Piotrków Deanery, Włocławek Diocese. This list can be referenced during record translation for this parish. As I translate records for this parish, I will add to the list below. Also, this post will be incorporated into a page dedicated to the Kujawy parishes that I’m researching.
- ks. Jan Rusicki (circa 1858)*,**
- ks. Sobieski (circa 1873-1879)*,**
- ks. Aleksander Dąbrowski (1896-1914)
- ks. Antoni Margoński (1914-1918)
- ks. Marian Hofman (1918)
- ks. Henryk Koławski (1918-1940)
- ks. Wacław Liśkiewicz (1945)
All information (unless indicated) has been taken from the Piotrków Kujawski Parish website, Historia, located at the following: http://web.diecezja.wloclawek.pl/parafia/piotrkow/historia.html
*Verified from the Piotrków Kujawski Parish films.
**I’ve only verified one year of records for this parish. I’ll need to investigate further to determine the exact years.