Baptism of Mateusz Gadomski (1816)
This is my translation of the Polish language baptismal record of Mateusz Gadomski, from the Lisków Parish. Any errors are completely my own.
Lisków, 1816, No. 41
On the 12th of September, 1816, at 12 p.m., before Us, Rev. Józef Kłyciński, the Administrator and Civil Registrar of Lisków, performing the duties of the Registrar of Vital Records for the District of Lisków, Kalisz County, Kalisz Province, Michał Gadomski appeared, aged 39, a farmer residing in Lisków, and presented Us a male child, which was born in Lisków, house #36, on the 10th of September, 1816, at 12 a.m., to his lawful wife Petronella Pakuła, aged 28. At Holy Baptism, administered on this day, this child was given the name of Mateusz. He made the above statement and showed Us the child, in the presence of witnesses: Paweł Pakuła, aged 47, a farm owner residing in Lisków, house #62, the brother-in-law of the father; and Sebastian Bruż, aged 43, a farm owner residing in Lisków, house #35, a close neighbor of the father. After which this Birth Record was read to the declarant and witnesses, who are illiterate, and was signed by Us alone.
Rev. Józef Kłyciński, Pastor of the Lisków Parish and Civil Registrar.
Baptism of Mateusz Gadomski (1816)
Source: Szukakj w Archiwach, Archiwum Państwowe w Kaliszu, Akta urodzeń, małżeństw i zgonów, 11/714/0, Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Liskowie. Retrieved from
Best Regards,