Eichendorf/Eckendorf Ancestry
In a previous post entitled Eichendorf/Eckendorf, located at this link: http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=4722548469887341998&postID=1915353110966279164, I had stated that the Eichendorf family came from the Parchowo Parish. I would like to correct that detail.
On the documents that I received from an Eckendorf relation it listed Franciszek Eckendorf and Jozefina Krefta were married in the Parchowo Parish, but had baptised their children in the Suleczyno Parish. According to the PTG (Pomorskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne)http://www.ptg.gda.pl/, the marriage of Franciszek Eckendorf and Jozefina Krefta took place in the Suleczyno Parish in Powiat Kartusy.
I will research the Suleczyno Parish records and post any of my findings.
Best Regards,